ESRL Global Monitoring Division Review
Boulder, Colorado — April 3-5, 2013

Poster Session #1 AGENDA
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013
• 13:00 – 14:45 Poster Session 1: Atrium

Climate Forcing

  1. Long-Term Measurements of Direct Aerosol Climate Forcing (Betsy Andrews)
  2. A Characterization of Arctic Aerosols and their Forcing of the Surface Radiation Budget (Robert Stone)
  3. Trace Gas Standards in Natural Air (Duane Kitzis)
  4. Short-lived Trace Gases: Opportunities for Mitigating Climate Change and Ozone Depletion (Steve Montzka)
  5. CarbonTracker (Mike Trudeau)
  6. GHG Measurement Network (Molly Crotwell)
  7. Lagrangian Modeling to Quantify Sources/Sinks in North America (Arlyn Andrews)
  8. Arctic Gas Measurements: Alaska Coast Guard Arctic Flights and CARVE (Colm Sweeney)
  9. Systematic Tests of Sampling Methods (Don Neff)

Poster Session #2 AGENDA
Thursday, April 4th, 2013
• 12:45 – 13:45 Poster Session 2: Atrium

Ozone Depletion

  1. Global Monitoring Division Stratospheric Ozone Measurements (Bryan Johnson)
  2. Dobson World Standard and Calibration of the WMO Ozone Network (Bob Evans)
  3. 14C-based Emission Estimates for Halocarbons and other Greenhouse Gases across the U.S.(Steve Montzka)
  4. Satellite Validation of Ozone-depleting Substances from Global Hawk Missions (David Nance)
  5. Three Decades of Continuous Monitoring of Long-lived Halocarbons(Geoff Dutton)

Air Quality and Regional Studies

  1. Lidar Measurements of Stratospheric Aerosol (Ryan Neeley)
  2. Aerosol and Albedo Ground Truth and Analysis for DISCOVER-AQ (Phase II -Central Valley California) (Kathy Lantz)
  3. Wintertime 2013 Ozone Production in the Uintah Basin (Chelsea Stephens)
  4. Regional Volatile Organic Carbon Signatures (Ben Miller)
NOAA Boulder.
The six baseline observatories of GMD.
First row: Barrow, Alaska and Summit, Greenland; Second row: Trinidad Head, California and Mauna Loa Hawaii; Third row: American Samoa and South Pole