Brewer UV Calibration for BR139 on 2007-04-18

Spectral Responsivity calibration performed by P Disterhoft. Lamps used were H-025 and H-027 in diffuse and total signal measurements. UV Cal not valid after 2007-08-09 when nickel sulfide filter replaced by UG-11x filter.

UV Calibration Responsivity Values

Wave Length in nm
Correction Value
286.5 5018.74000
287 5243.32000
287.5 5412.50000
288 5623.59000
288.5 5790.23000
289 5928.44000
289.5 6109.41000
290 6249.56000
290.5 6338.60000
291 6499.86000
291.5 6597.13000
292 6703.02000
292.5 6786.90000
293 6894.56000
293.5 6970.93000
294 7064.57000
294.5 7119.37000
295 7164.56000
295.5 7244.79000
296 7306.13000
296.5 7319.19000
297 7361.10000
297.5 7396.41000
298 7402.01000
298.5 7409.87000
299 7333.90000
299.5 7294.96000
300 7281.16000
300.5 7256.75000
301 7181.92000
301.5 7166.53000
302 7171.67000
302.5 7098.09000
303 7027.85000
303.5 7006.17000
304 7003.88000
304.5 6973.61000
305 6905.85000
305.5 6860.28000
306 6835.38000
306.5 6843.89000
307 6800.17000
307.5 6677.26000
308 6805.41000
308.5 6716.66000
309 6679.43000
309.5 6627.41000
310 6413.99000
310.5 6344.34000
311 6261.25000
311.5 6115.52000
312 6030.17000
312.5 5895.96000
313 5748.81000
313.5 5616.49000
314 5450.43000
314.5 5306.06000
315 5149.47000
315.5 5007.40000
316 4830.97000
316.5 4624.75000
317 4442.70000
317.5 4230.77000
318 4074.71000
318.5 3864.15000
319 3665.79000
319.5 3484.62000
320 3273.75000
320.5 3081.35000
321 2880.91000
321.5 2689.66000
322 2491.91000
322.5 2307.90000
323 2132.38000
323.5 1954.47000
324 1797.55000
324.5 1655.71000
325 1489.05000
325.5 643.19900
326 624.51100
326.5 642.85200
327 635.71200
327.5 632.52100
328 628.13200
328.5 622.00000
329 631.95400
329.5 615.86300
330 618.11000
330.5 609.95300
331 613.53500
331.5 608.97700
332 603.32500
332.5 589.24700
333 598.09600
333.5 604.26200
334 584.64400
334.5 582.13400
335 584.02700
335.5 578.20600
336 574.88700
336.5 563.29900
337 557.90000
337.5 555.30900
338 560.98300
338.5 555.57100
339 546.22800
339.5 545.23700
340 532.57800
340.5 539.93200
341 529.14400
341.5 527.30800
342 519.61400
342.5 524.30000
343 515.14800
343.5 512.53100
344 507.95700
344.5 502.34100
345 498.61600
345.5 484.03100
346 482.88800
346.5 476.24400
347 477.02300
347.5 469.66800
348 465.50600
348.5 461.56700
349 455.16700
349.5 450.96200
350 440.00900
350.5 438.16800
351 434.85000
351.5 432.41200
352 424.74900
352.5 421.22600
353 410.02000
353.5 411.81800
354 404.94900
354.5 400.59600
355 396.98000
355.5 387.32600
356 385.41700
356.5 374.35200
357 374.19900
357.5 369.50400
358 364.17600
358.5 355.16900
359 353.95200
359.5 342.74200
360 340.96600
360.5 333.95900
361 329.88700
361.5 323.36600
362 321.28300
362.5 315.90300
363 305.54300
Record Count: 154