Data File Access

Enter NEUBrew Data Access Area

Automated (Scripted), or command line Access to NEUBrew Data

If you are looking to download numerous data files, this section provides a method to accomplish this from the command line using wget. NEUBrew data can be downloaded via HTTP using WGET for Linux (Docs) or WGET for Windows (Cygwin).

The following command would retrieve all the Level 212 UV Index files in 2015 for BR140 at Raleigh, NC (command line is wrapped for readability). The files will be placed in the current working directory on your local system, unless -P option is supplied

  $ wget  -nc -nd -c -o ./logFile.txt -A '2015*.212'

-rRecursive sub-directory search.
-l nLook n = number directories deep.
-t xRe-try on failures x times.
-ncnoclobber (don't download a file more than once).
-cContinue to try to download a partically downloaded file.
-o fileNameWrite command line status and responses to specified fileName.
-ndNo Directory creation. Without this option, the full directory path to files will be recreated on your local system
-AAccept List. Example: pattern
'2015*.212' must be enclosed in quotes to prevent shell expansion
-P localPathprefix. The top-level-directory of where downloaded files will be placed. Default is '.'