Hourly Variables Available To Date


Pressure level: All levels between 1000mb and 100mb by 25mb.
  1. Air Temperature
  2. Geopotential Height
  3. Meridional Wind
  4. Zonal Wind
  5. Omega
  6. Specific Humidity
  7. Turbulent Kinetic Energy


Monolevel: For these, you don't need to choose a level. Some variables are listed in more than one category
  • Radiation
    1. Downward Longwave Radiation Flux at Surface
    2. Downward Shortwave Radiation Flux at Surface
    3. Upward Longwave Radiation Flux at Nominal Top of Atmosphere
    4. Upward Longwave Radiation Flux at Surface
    5. Upward Shortwave Radiation Flux at Nominal Top of Atmosphere
    6. Upward Shortwave Radiation Flux at Surface
    7. Latent Heat Flux at Surface
    8. Ground Heat Flux at Surface
    9. Sensible Heat Flux at Surface
  • Convective
    1. Convective Available Potential Energy at Surface
    2. Storm Relative Helicity
    3. Convective Inhibition at Surface
    4. U-component of Storm Motion
    5. V-component of Storm Motion
    6. Best (4-layer) Lifted Index
    7. Vertical Speed Shear
    8. Blackadar's Mixing Length Scale
    9. Planetary Boundary Layer Height
    10. Turbulent Kinetic Energy
  • Precipitation
    1. accumulated convective precipitation at Surface
    2. accumulated total precipitation at Surface
    3. Categorical Rain at Surface
    4. Categorical Snow at Surface
    5. Categorical Freezing Rain at Surface
    6. Categorical Ice Pellets at Surface
    7. precipitation rate at Surface
  • Surface
    1. Mean Sea Level (ETA model) Pressure
    2. Air Temperature at 2 m
    3. Air temperature at Surface
    4. Albedo at Surface
    5. Pressure at Surface
    6. Potential temperature at Surface
    7. u-wind at 10 m
    8. v-wind at 10 m
    9. Pressure at Mean Sea Level
    10. Geopotential Height
    11. Humidity Parameter Canopy Conductance at Surface
    12. Solar Parameter Canopy Conductance at Surface
    13. Soil Moisture Parameter Canopy Conductance at Surface
    14. Temperature Parameter Canopy Conductance at Surface
    15. Canopy Conductance at Surface
    16. Plant Canopy Water at Surface
    17. Relative Humidity at 2m
    18. Specific Humidity at 2m
    19. vegetation at Surface
    20. Visibility
    21. Pressure Vertical Velocity
  • Water Budget
    1. Subsurface Runoff (baseflow)
    2. Surface Runoff (non-infiltrating)
    3. Water Condensate Flux Convergence Accumulation at Entire Atmosphere Considered as a Single Layer
    4. Water Condensate Added by Precip. Assimilation Accumulation at Entire Atmosphere Considered as a Single Layer
    5. Water Condensate Zonal Flux Accumulation at Entire Atmosphere Considered as a Single Layer
    6. Water Condensate Meridional Flux Accumulation at Entire Atmosphere Considered as a Single Layer
    7. Water Vapor Flux Convergence Accumulation at Entire Atmosphere Considered as a Single Layer
    8. Water Vapor Added by Precip. Assimilation Accumulation at Entire Atmosphere Considered as a Single Layer
    9. Water Vapor Zonal Flux Accumulation at Entire Atmosphere Considered as a Single Layer
    10. Water Vapor Meridional Flux Accumulation at Entire Atmosphere Considered as a Single Layer
    11. Horizontal Moisture Divergence
    12. Moisture Availability
    13. accumulated potential evaporation at Surface
    14. Dew Point Temperature at 2m
    15. accumulated total evaporation at Surface
    16. Precipitable Water for entire atmosphere
    17. oil Moisture Content
  • Clouds
    1. Mean of Convective Cloud Cover at Entire Atmosphere Considered as a Single Layer
    2. Mean of Non-Convective Cloud Cover at Entire Atmosphere Considered as a Single Layer
    3. Low Cloud Area Fraction
    4. Forecast of Total Cloud Cover at Entire Atmosphere Considered as a Single Layer
    5. High Cloud Area Fraction
    6. Medium Cloud Area Fraction
  • Snow
    1. Snow Depth at Surface
    2. Snow Phase-change Heat at Surface
    3. Snow Melt
    4. Snow Cover at Surface
    5. Accumulated Snow at Surface
  • Tropopause
    1. Tropopause Pressure
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