This is not the latest CarbonTracker update! Link to latest.
  • Files for CarbonTracker releases may be downloaded through the command line with a FTP link. To download files you may use the base FTP path for this run of with the path to the file or files using get or wget.
  • 3-D Mole Fractions
    This is a link to our FTP server, where we have made 3-hourly 3-D CO2 mole fraction fields available in NetCDF format for others to use in their work. Images of the contents of these files are included on the website under CO2 Weather.
  • Three-hourly Fluxes
    This is a link to our FTP server, where we have made 3-hourly global surface fluxes available in NetCDF format for others to use in their work. Images of the contents of these files are included on the website under Flux Maps.
  • Preprocessed Observations
    This is a link to the ObsPack page, where the observations as they have been preprocessed for use in the CarbonTracker assimilation system are available in NetCDF format. Images of the contents of these files are included on the website under CO2Time Series. Please note that pre-processed data are NOT actual data. Users should contact the original data providers for access to the actual observations. Please refer to Collaborators for contact information.
  • Source Code
    This is a link to the CarbonTracker source code. The main body of CarbonTracker is the TM5 two-way nested model written in Fortran-90. Additional data needed to run CarbonTracker yourself can be made available upon request.
  • Auxiliary information
    • Our inversion regions are defined in the file.
    • The set of "extended" regions formed by post-aggregation from the 22 TransCom regions is defined in the file.
  • Archives
    This is a link to the CarbonTracker Archive that includes 3-D mole fractions, weekly fluxes, source code, web figures, and documentation from previous releases.
  • Other Observations
    Users interested in obtaining other observational data used in CarbonTracker should directly contact the measurement laboratory. CarbonTracker collaborators are listed in Collaborators.
Please see Citation for CarbonTracker usage policy and citation. Users may find the NASA/GISS Panoply NetCDF Viewer helpful for working with CarbonTracker NetCDF files.