** Sun Sep 9 18:04:36 2012 Andy Jacobson ** There are many variables in these files, and you'll need to parse the names carefully to find what you want (hopefully it's obvious, if a bit tedious). There are three sets of "regions" (reg240, tc23, and postagg), four classes of flux (terrestrial bio, ocean, FF, fire), three types of flux (imposed, prior, and optimized), and both fluxes and flux uncertainty are in there as well. All the permutations are listed as individual variables. As CT2011 is a multi-model inversion, there is total uncertainty, within-model uncertainty, and across-model uncertainty for each optimized flux, and for fossil fuel emisisons. The within-model uncertainty is called "internal" uncertainty, and is the average of each inverse model's posterior uncertainty. The across-model uncertainty is called "external" uncertainty and is computed as the covariance across the multiple models of the posterior flux. Total uncertainty is the sum of the internal and external variances. Geographic region definitions are in ftp://aftp.cmdl.noaa.gov/products/carbontracker/co2/regions.nc Postaggregate region definitions are in ftp://aftp.cmdl.noaa.gov/products/carbontracker/co2/postagg_definitions.nc.