** Tue Oct 27 08:35:49 2015 Andy Jacobson ** This is CT-NRT version 2015-2. Results updated from v2015-1 start in 2013-12-14 (although results from 2012-06-09 through 2013-12-14 from CT-NRT v2015-1 are mirrored here for convenience). Simulation begins from the CT-NRT v2015-1 optimized CO2 fields. Prior flux model is climatology of optimized CT2013B ocean, land, and wildfire fluxes, Miller 20150715 fossil fuels, and a land biosphere CO2 flux anomaly driven by anomalies of ERA-interim shortwave radiation and temperature, and GPCP v2.2 precipitation. Optimization is done using data from obspack_co2_1_CarbonTracker-NRT_v1.0_2015-10-06 as collated in prepped_adaptive_NRT_20151007_20151007170933. Optimization uses standard CT methods. ** Sat Feb 20 20:27:08 2016 Andy Jacobson ** Updated CT-NRT v2015-2 to extend through 2015-11-27. New NRT ObsPack obspack_co2_1_CarbonTracker-NRT_v2.0_2016-02-12 was used for the optimization. This ObsPack does not include Environment Canada in situ data, so there were many fewer observational constraints in Canada starting on 2015-07-25. All other methods were held constant, so the version number was not incremented.