
data.edit.corr.aeth_schmid_coen calculates absorption coefficients from Aetholemeter data. It requires the attenuation (from data.edit.corr.aeth_calc_abs), the attenuation, scattering, and the filter segmentation for the instrument in the $INSTRUMENT_filter segments.

data.edit.corr.aeth_schmid_coen can operate as either an independent filter (provided the correct input is given) or as part of the correction chain

Command Line Usage

data.edit.corr.aeth_schmid_coen [--input=A11] [--neph=S11]
                                [--m=0.74] [--c=3.29E-4] [--d=0.564]



Specify what instrument or record base to use as the input, instead of trying to match what's available. Required if the input stream is ambiguous.


Specify what instrument or record base to use as the neph data, instead of trying to match what's available. Required if the input stream is ambiguous.


Set the value for “m” defaulting to 0.74.


Set the value for “c” defaulting to 3.29E-4.


Set the value for “d” defaulting to 0.564.


Set the value for Cref for the wavelength WL (in nm), defaulting to:

Wavelength Cref
370 1.813
470 2.073
520 2.076
590 2.104
660 2.182
880 2.226
950 2.199

Example Usage

data.get mlo A81a,S11a 2010:1 1d | data.edit.corr.aeth_schmid_coen