DB system tip - How do I get info about my data from the DB system?

Provides information about data gaps, last raw data processed and data passed
data.status thd
Data status for: THD
============================== Raw Data Gaps ==============================
2012-11-20T12:03:00Z 2012-11-29T18:06:58Z (9.25 days)
2013-09-25T14:36:00Z 2013-09-26T16:52:59Z (1.10 days)
2013-10-10T18:17:00Z 2013-10-11T23:34:45Z (1.22 days)
2014-12-11T15:00:00Z 2014-12-12T21:18:58Z (1.26 days)
============================== Current Data ===============================
Latest raw data processed: 2015-12-03T18:03:00Z
Last clean data passed: 2015-11-30T00:00:00Z - Week 48
Provides information about what instruments were operating at the station over the period of measurements.

Note: this command is only useful if the station 'segmentation' information is kept up-to-date.
data.instruments.get tik
2013Q2 |
2013Q3 | | |
2013Q4 | | |
2014Q1 | | |
2014Q2 | | |
A81 A82 S81
2014Q3 | | |
2014Q4 | | |
2015Q1 | | |
2015Q2 | | |
2015Q3 | | |
2015Q4 | | |

A81 2009-09-29T00:00:00Z Magee;Aethalometer-AE31;774: Installed
A82 2013-07-03T00:00:00Z Thermo;MAAP;87: Installed
S81 2013-07-03T00:00:00Z TSI;3563: Installed

Current Instruments:
A81 Magee;Aethalometer-AE31;774
A82 Thermo;MAAP;87
S81 TSI;3563

This is truncated version of what the call returns - the call returns information all the way back to the start of data records in the DB system (in TIK's case back to 2009)
data.get {stn} X startDate endDate | grep {blah}
Allows you to extract message log entries into a file. {stn} is the three letter station ID, piping the command to 'grep {BLAH}' allows you to extract only message log entries with the word 'blah' in them.

Note you can do multiple pipes to grep to narrow down the extraction, for example:
data.get {stn} X startDate endDate | grep {blah1} | grep {blah2}

All the options for data.get can be used to format the output.
data.get app X 320 330 | grep USER
X,APP,1447712730,2015-11-16T22:25:30Z,"USER: Changed humidograph scan sequence to go as high as 89. I copied the scan sequence from a few years ago that was commented out. BM"
X,APP,1447859897,2015-11-18T15:18:17Z,"USER: Light rain, cool. JPS"
X,APP,1448040261,2015-11-20T17:24:21Z,"USER: Clear day, cold, windy"
X,APP,1448156359,2015-11-22T01:39:19Z,"USER: Changed PSAP filter. Cold/Clear. CP"
X,APP,1448234055,2015-11-22T23:14:15Z,"USER: Clear and windy NH"
X,APP,1448321107,2015-11-23T23:25:07Z,"USER: cold, dry and clear. BM"
X,APP,1448385639,2015-11-24T17:20:39Z,"USER: Starting impactor servicing. mhw bm"
X,APP,1448386453,2015-11-24T17:34:13Z,"USER: Impactor servicing complete begenning leak check. mhw bm"
X,APP,1448386823,2015-11-24T17:40:23Z,"USER: Leak check completefilter counts less that 1% of unfiltered counts"
X,APP,1448392064,2015-11-24T19:07:44Z,"USER: Changed PSAP filter. Cold partly cloudy. mhw."
X,APP,1448476668,2015-11-25T18:37:48Z,"USER: Cloudy, a bit hazy. JPS"
See the software page for more details about these and other commands.