CDPHE and RMNP Ozone Data Plots

CDPHE PM 2.5 data using HighCharts

Date (mm/dd/yyyy):

CDPHE data is available starting 06/01/2016 and RMNP data and 8 hour CDPHE data starting 05/01/2017. All data is preliminary.

Select a station in legend to toggle on/off in graph. Mouseover a station in legend to highlight trace. Click and drag to expand X or Y axis.

Data are updated at 6 minutes past the hour. Data source: Air Quality Report View page of the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, and Rocky Mountain National Park data from the AirNow network.

ACAD - U.S. AF Academy, Colorado Springs
ASPN - 585 Cemetery Lane, Aspen
AURE - Aurora East, 36001 E. Quincy Ave., Denver
BHWK - Black Hawk, 831 Miners Mesa Road, Black Hawk
BOUR - Boulder Reservoir, 5545 Reservoir Road, Boulder
CAMP - Camp, 2105 Broadway, Denver
CASA - La Casa, 4545 Navajo Street, Denver
CHAT - Chatfield Park, 11500 N. Roxborough Park Rd., Denver
CTZ - Cortez, Four Corners
EVG - 5124 South Hatch Drive, Evergreen
FTC - Fort Collins - CSU
FTCW - Fort Collins - West
GRET - Greeley - Weld Co. Tower
HLD - Highland, 8100 S. University Blvd., Denver
MAN - Manitou, Colorado Springs
NREL - NREL, South Table Mtn.
PAL - Palisade, Grand Junction
PAO - Platteville Atmospheric Observatory
RFN - Rocky Flats - North
RIFLO3 - Rifle, Colorado River Valley
WBY - Welby, 3174 E. 78th Ave, Denver
RMNP - Rocky Mountain National Park