Franziska Glassmeier


Cloud & Aerosol Processes


NRC Postdoc


A list of publications can be found in my CV .


2016: Doctoral degree (Dr. sc.) in Atmospheric Physics, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
2010: Master's degree (Dipl. Phys.) in Physics, University of Göttingen (Germany)


  • clouds & climate
  • aerosol-cloud interactions
  • cloud microphysics
  • mixed-phase clouds
  • pattern formation and self-organization of cloud fields
  • low- and high-dimensional dynamical systems

Current Topics

We work on extending our network approach to cloud organization from stratocumulus and detailed cloud simulations to other cloud types and satellite images. The figure below illustrates cellular networks derived from satellite images of stratocumulus and shallow cumulus clouds over the subtropical Pacific on Sep 8, 2017. The figure is based on experimental products from the RAMMB/CIRA SLIDER.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

last modified: January 29, 2018