
Some Recent QBO Results

DSRC entrance

Marv Geller, Stony Brook University

Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 3:30 pm Mountain Time
DSRC 2A305


Our recent efforts at self-generating a realistic QBO in GISS climate models are discussed, as is some recent work that suggests a significant role for the QBO in modulating tropical deep convection. Finally, some recent results on ENSO influences on the QBO will be discussed. This includes a brief summary of recent results by M. Taguchi (2010, JGR, doi:10.1029/2010JD014325), where he showed that the QBO has larger amplitude and longer period during La Niña periods. We have followed that up in a recent paper (Yuan et al., 2012, submitted), which shows that the QBO modulations of tropical tropopause temperatures are substantially larger during La Niña periods. This is likely to be an important consideration for dehydration of air entering the stratosphere.

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