Climate Experiment Forcings

The table below shows the forcings used in the climate experiments that are being made available through the FACTS website.

Experiment Identifiers Forcings1
Experiment Name2 File Name ID3 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Sea Ice Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Ozone
AMIP with Observed Radiative Forcing amip_obs_rf Obs Obs Obs Obs
AMIP with Observed Radiative Forcing/ERSST v5 amip_obs_rf_ersstv5 ERSST v5 Obs Obs Obs
AMIP with Observed Radiative Forcing/Hurrell SST amip_obs_rf_hurrell Hurrell SST Obs Obs Obs
AMIP with 1880s Radiative Forcing amip_1880s_rf Obs Detrended to 1880 Present Climatology Past Climatology Past Climatology
AMIP with Natural History Forcing amip_nat_hist CMIP5-est15 CMIP5-est15 Past Climatology Past Climatology
AMIP with Observed Radiative Forcing, Climatological Sea Ice and Polar SST amip_clim_polar Obs/Present Climatology Present Climatology Obs Obs
Large Ensemble LENS Coupled model Coupled model Obs/RCP8.5 Obs

1 Obs - Observed conditions, Present Climatology (varies by forcing, but generally some average conditions between 1981-2010), Past Climatology (1881-1910 climatology, or a specific pre-industrial date). See experiment descriptions for complete details.
2 Text for "experiment" global attribute in files
3 Experiment identifier in file and directory names
5 Method described in: A benchmark estimate of the effect of anthropogenic emissions on the ocean surface.
6 CESM Large Ensemble Project

CITATION REQUEST: When using model or observational data obtained through FACTS in a publication, please provide a citation in the paper to the original underlying data source. This includes both downloading data and creating analysis figures through FACTS. A list of original sources for citation is here.