Water, Drought, and Wyoming's Climate

October 5, 2006

Wyoming blossoms NOAA Earth System Research Laboratories, Physical Sciences Laboratory researcher Andrea Ray, will give a presentation at the "Water, Drought, and Wyoming's Climate" workshop to be held October 5, 2006 in Laramie Wyoming. The purpose of the workshop, hosted by the University of Wyoming, is to communicate current understanding of climate change as it relates to Wyoming's water; discuss needs of water resource managers and other stakeholders; and facilitate discussion between water managers and researchers to develop future collaborations among participants to find answers, suggest solutions and address anticipated needs. Dr. Ray will discuss what types of NOAA climate products are available and how they can be utilized. (Photo courtesy of the WY Bureau of Land Management)

The Western Water Assessment (WWA) is a sponsor of this workshop, which is a follow-up to a WWA Wyoming climate workshop held in December 2005. WWA is a Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program that is a joint activity of NOAA and the University of Colorado.

These workshops are a venue for expanding the awareness and use of NOAA climate products in water resource planning and decision-making. They also provide an opportunity to receive useful feedback on the products. PSL's participation in this workshop supports NOAA's mission goal of increasing the number and use of climate products and services to enhance public and private sector decision-making, and to improve the ability of society to plan and respond to climate variability and climate change using NOAA climate products and information.

Contact: Andrea Ray More Information: