Using PSL interactive aps to learn about El Nino:

Plot examples using PSL aps Use defaults unless otherwiese specified
  •  Time Series SLP anomaly over eastern tropical Pacific (Darwin)
    Choose from GCOS's timeseries plotting page
    1. For timeseries: Darwin SLP
    2. For type:Plot
    3. For type:Mean, then anomaly
    4. For time: Jan 1920 to Dec 2000
  •  Time Series SLP anomaly over western tropical Pacific (Tahiti)
    Choose in atlas:
    1. For variable: Tahiti SLP
    2. For type: Plot
    3. 5 month running mean
    4. For time: Jan 1920 to Dec 2000
  •  Time Series: Darwin anomalies vs Tahiti Anomalies
    Choose in atlas:
    1. For variable: Tahiti SLP
    2. For variable: Darwin SLP
    3. For type: Plot
    4. 5 month running mean
    5. For time: Jan 1920 to Dec 2000
  •  Time Series: SOI
    Choose in atlas:
    1. For variable: SOI
    2. For type: Plot
    3. 5 month running mean
    4. For variable: Anomaly
    5. For time: Jan 1920 to Dec 2000
  •  Correlations: SOI
    Choose in page
    1. For variable: Tahiti SLP
    2. For variable: Darwin SLP
    3. For type: Correlation
    4. For time: Jan 1920 to Dec 2000
    Also try SOI and other locations in the tropics. Change the time range. Change the seasons by changing the months used. Do an annual average.
  •  Map SLP anomalies Jan 1983
    Choose in atlas:
    1. For statistic: anomaly
    2. For variable: Sea Level Pressure
    3. For type: lat by lon
    4. For time: Jan 1983
    5. For options: color fill
    6. For latitude: 50N to 50S
    7. For Longitude: 20E to 340E
  • Precipitation rates over India in July; long term mean.
    Choose in atlas:
    1. For statistic: longterm monthly mean
    2. For variable: precipitation rate
    3. For type:lat by lon
    4. For time: July
    5. For latitude: 0N to 40N
    6. For longitude: 45E and 100E
    7. For options: color fill and reverse color bar
  • Precipitation rates over India in January; long term mean.
    Choose in atlas:
    1. For statistic: longterm monthly mean
    2. For variable: precipitation rate
    3. For type:lat by lon
    4. For time: July
    5. For latitude: 0N to 40N
    6. For longitude: 45E and 100E
    7. For options: color fill and reverse color bar
  • Annual time series of precipitation rates over India. (not in talk but shows annual cycle very well).Choose:
    1. For statistic: longterm monthly mean
    2. For variable: precipitation rate
    3. For type:lat by time
    4. For time: Jan to Dec
    5. For latitude: 0N to 40N
    6. For longitude: 60E to 100E
    7. For options: color fill and reverse color bar

  • Wind flow in June and January
    1. For statistic: long term monthly mean
    2. For variable: wind vectors
    3. For type: lat by lon
    4. For time:June (for second plot choose January)
    5. For level: 1000mb (near the surface)
    6. For latitude: 0N to 40N
    7. For longitude: 60E to 100E
    8. For plot options: solid fill
  • Surface temperature over year over India
    1. For statistic: long term monthly mean
    2. For variable: air temperature
    3. For type: lat by time
    4. For time:Jan to Dec
    5. For latitude: 0N to 40N
    6. For longitude: 65E to 90E
    7. For plot options: solid fill , color reverse
  • Surface temperature over year over India
    1. For statistic: long term monthly mean
    2. For variable: air temperature
    3. For type: lat by time
    4. For time:Jan to Dec
    5. For latitude: 0N to 40N
    6. For longitude: 65E to 90E
    7. For plot options: solid fill , color reverse
  • Vertical motion over India (negative values are upward)
    1. For statistic: long term monthly mean
    2. For variable: air temperature
    3. For type: lat by level
    4. For time:June
    5. For latitude: 0N to 40N
    6. For longitude: 65E to 90E
    7. For plot options: solid fill , color reverse
El Nino examples
  • SST plot
    1. For statistic: Longterm monthly mean
    2. For variable: Surface air temperature
    3. For type: lat by lon
    4. For time:Jan
    5. For latitude: 25S to 25N
    6. For longitude: 110E to 290E
    7. For plot options: solid fill
  • SST anomaly plot 1982-83
    1. For statistic: Anomaly
    2. For variable: Surface air temperature
    3. For type: lat by lon
    4. For time: Dec 1982
    5. For latitude: 25S to 25N
    6. For longitude: 110E to 290E
    7. For plot options: solid fill
  • local wind field plot
    1. For statistic: Long term monthly mean
    2. For variable: zonal wind
    3. For type: lat by lon
    4. For time: Dec to Feb
    5. For latitude: 25S to 25N
    6. For longitude: 110E to 290E
    7. For plot options: solid fill , color reverse
  • local wind field anomaly plot
    1. For statistic: Anomaly
    2. For variable: zonal wind
    3. For type: lat by lon
    4. For time: Dec 1982 - Feb 1983
    5. For latitude: 25S to 25N
    6. For longitude: 110E to 290E
    7. For plot options: solid fill , color reverse
  • Precipitation anomalies over globe
    1. For statistic: Long term monthly mean
    2. For variable: precipiation rate
    3. For type: lat by lon
    4. For time: Dec to Feb
    5. For latitude: 90S to 90N
    6. For longitude: 0E to 360E
    7. For plot options: solid fill , color reverse
  • Precipitation over globe
    1. For statistic: Longterm mean
    2. For variable: precipiation rate
    3. For type: lat by lon
    4. For time: Dec 1982 to Fen 1983
    5. For latitude: 90S to 90N
    6. For longitude: 0E to 360E
    7. For plot options: solid fill , color reverse
  • Precipitation anomalies over globe
    1. For statistic: Anomaly
    2. For variable: precipiation rate
    3. For type: lat by lon
    4. For time: Dec 1982 to Feb 1983
    5. For latitude: 90S to 90N
    6. For longitude: 0E to 360E
    7. For plot options: solid fill , color reverse